

Dry & dull coat Hair loss, dandruff and dry skin Dermatic conditions Improving coat of show animals

• Dry or dull coat
• Dry skin & dandruff
• Hair loss
• Non-specific alopecia
• Dermatic conditions
• Improving coat of show animals
• External and internal inflammation

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) : These are fats that must be supplied in the diet because the body cannot produce them. They are required for normal growth and functioning of the cells, muscles, nerves and organs and the production of prostaglandins - hormone-like substances which are key to many important processes. Help in growth of shinier fur and ameliorate itchy scratchy skin. Other benefits include extended lifespan, reduced inflammation from arthritis and better heart health. Promote renal function, growth and reproduction and immune system health.

Gamma Linolenic Acid : It is an omega 6 fatty acid necessary for promoting healthy skin and coat. Helps address seborrhea, atopy, autoimmune disorders, arthritis and inflammations. Helps prevent certain cancers and heart diseases. Aids in the regulation of blood fats and cholesterol..

Eicosapentaenoic Acid : It is an omega 3 fatty acid needed for healthy organ function, reducing inflammations, healthy skin and coat, reducing risk of heart diseases, cancers, enlarged prostate, uterine and mammary tumours. Helps speed up wound healing, combat infections, allergies and hypertension. Aids in the treatment of arthritis.

Docosahexaenoic Acid : It is an omega 3 fatty acid that is especially necessary for supporting the developing nervous system, eyes and heart of young animals. Improves the mental health of juvenile animals. Supports heart health, healthy skin and coat, joint health, boosts the immune system, reduces inflammatory conditions, promotes weight loss in over weight animals, provides support in kidney diseases, heart diseases, cancers, etc. Helps alleviate inflammatory bowel diseases.

Oleic acid : It reduces blood pressure Oleic acid may help you burn fat, reduces LDL cholesterol. Diets rich in oleic acid prevent ulcerative colitis. Oleic acid protects cell membranes from free radicals. Oleic acid supercharges muscles and brain by making myelin. So, It is also helpful in nerve transmission.

Retinol (Vitamin A) : It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Beneficial for eyes, immune system, bone metabolism and healthy skin. Helps in organ growth in a developing foetus. Acts as an antioxidant that eliminates free radicals and prevents cell & tissue damage, slows down the process of ageing, helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, inflammatory diseases, etc.

Biotin (Vitamin B7) : It is a water-soluble vitamin. Like other B Vitamins, it plays an important role in many metabolic reactions. It is necessary for maintaining healthy skin and hair. Also important for growth, digestion, muscle formation and glucose metabolism.

Saw Palmetto : It is the extract of the fruit of a small palm species Serenoa repens. Nourishes hair, prevents hair fall, & helps to reduce progression of alopecia. Shown to have beneficial properties to support bladder health and function. May also benefit dogs with enlarged prostate and poly cystic ovaries.

Nettle root extract : It was found to partially block 2 enzymes by researchers such as R. Hartmann. The first is 5-alpha-reductase that when combined with testosterone, produces DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is the hormone responsible for androgenic alopecia hair loss. The second enzyme is aromatase, which makes estrogen. Combining nettle root extract with another herbal agent pygeum has been found to inhibit these two enzymes more effectively than either one alone. It was shown that nettle root extract had to be used at high dosages in order to effective whereas lower doses of pygeum worked well. Prostatonin, the combination product of nettles and pygeum have been used to treat BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy).

Combining nettle root extracts with saw palmetto: saw palmetto berries in BPH patients reduced the amount of testosterone and estrogen. Conversely, it has been conjectured that nettles can block testosterone from binding to the sex hormone globulin, a carrier protein that binds testosterone and limits its bioavailability in the body. As a result, nettles have been called an aphrodisiac since it may help maintain testosterone levels.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) : It is a water-soluble vitamin. Helps in amino acid metabolism, synthesis of proteins, hormones and neurotransmitters. It promotes red cell production, cardiac functioning and sodium-potassium balance, antibody formation and immune system functioning. Needed for absorption of vitamin B12.

Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) : It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Powerful antioxidant that eliminates free radicals and prevents cell & tissue damage, slows down the process of ageing, helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, inflammatory diseases, maintaining health skin and coat, etc.

Zinc : The second most abundant mineral found in the body after iron. Plays a role in immune function , protein synthesis , wound healing , DNA synthesis, brain function, skin, coat, hormone production, fertility and cell division. Zinc also supports normal growth and development in a growing animal. It is vital for maintenance of healthy skin and coat. Acts as an antioxidant and is an integral part of several metabolic and enzymatic processes.

Inositol : It forms a part of the cell membrane and plays a role in helping the liver process fats as well as contributing to the function of muscles and nerves and maintaining healthy skin and coat. It reduces cholesterol and has a calming effect. Powerful antioxidant that may help in preventing cancer and as support therapy in animals suffering from cancer.

Ingredients (Per ml contains):

Soyabean Oil :868 mg

Eicosapentaenoic Acid : 6.6 mg

Zinc Sulphate : 6.1 mg

Saw Palmetto : 20 mg

Stinging Nettle Extract :20 mg

Docosahexaenoic Acid : 4.4 mg

Gamma Linolenic Acid : 1.34 mg

Inositol : 0.33 mg

Pyridoxine Hydrochloride :0.1 mg

Biotin :100 mcg

Retinol Concentrate : 112.7 I.U

Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate : 1.86 I.U.

Suggestions for Use :

• Shake well before use
• 0.5 ml per kg body weight once daily either directly or mixed with food.
• or as directed by the veterinarian